Saturday, December 10, 2011

Lovely fingerlings with raisins

W brings home some fingerling potatoes. The bag boasts a pesto recipe that has cheese. No no. I'm vegan, remember? I build the potatoes in salted water for 14 minutes after slicing the biggest ones in half lengthwise.

Meanwhile, I combine a tsp. of olive oil, a few dices of onion, and a knife-tip of minced garlic in a saucepan. The fragrance starts to fill the room as they saute... about 5 minutes on medium until the onion is translucent.

I've got some carrots, oranges, and raisins from a previous meal, so I add that to the onion mix and warm it for about 3 minutes.

I love my old Chinese strainer, that makes it easy to fish out potatoes when they're cooked. The steam rises off the hot potatoes.

Put everything together, stir, and serve. (No special plate today, just an everyday Royal Doulton Designs Parquet.)

The purple, red, and yellow potato skins burst open with every bite. The orange peel adds a hint of bitter along with tart and sour. The raisins and carrots add sweetness. Garlic, oranges, potatoes, onions. Who knew?

Rating: 4/5.
Taste: sweet, hearty, savory without being heavy.
Time to prepare: 15 minutes
Calories: 400 or less. The potatoes: 125; oil and onion, 175, carrots, oranges, raisins, maybe 100
Tea: black

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