Wednesday, May 7, 2014

You have my heart(s)

We ate organ meats as kids. What can I say? My husband also grew up with weird European food, but different ones. (Tongue, anyone? Hurts my mouth just to think of it.) We're moving to Asia in July, so we'll probably encounter those foods again. We'll update with SE Asian food after we arrive!

I bought chicken hearts at Ranch 99 in Tukwilla a few days ago and put them in the fridge. Since W's not home for supper, I'm indulging myself.

We always start hearty European meat dishes by frying bacon and onions, don't we? Of course. 

Then I added the hearts. They looked pale and unhappy until they warmed up.

I chopped cabbage, carrots, a few chiles, adding the vegetables when the meat had browned.

After a few minutes, I added a cup of water and spices, covering the pot with a lid. 

When the mixture came to a boil, I turned the heat down to simmer for a few hours.

The drippings made a fragrant gravy, best salted to taste (1/2-1 tsp) 5-15 minutes before serving. 

On top of homemade noodles, I ate a feast, with memories of growing up in a German immigrant community.

Servings: 4 @ 250 calories each, plus noodles or SpƤtzle (recipe coming soon).
Taste: 4/5 Savory. Old-fashioned stew.
Time to prepare: 10 minutes assembly. 2 hours cooking.
Beauty: Looks wholesome, colorful, hearty. Plain-Jane fare.
Tea: A robust Irish breakfast.